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1LFUK English Parallel Dental Graduate feedback report

Feedback and reflection upon our work is a vital tool in understanding how we are currently performing, and how we can improve. Under the leadership of Professor Rene Foltan, the manner in which we teach Dentistry at 1LFUK has been modernized significantly over the past few years, with additional important improvements taking place over the upcoming years.


To evaluate the success of our course, as well as understand whether these changes have been successful and where further changes might be required, a group of our final year English parallel Dental students (Troulliotis, Harous, Mazik, Theodoropoulos), under the supervision of their teacher Asst. Prof Eitan Brizman, took on a project of auditing the feedback of all our Graduates from 1LFUK English Parallel Dentistry. Total of 123 graduates of the English Parallel Dentistry course were contacted by email and requested to complete an anonymous online questionnaire regarding their success and career pathways post-graduation, along with their evaluation of the educational and life experience studying Dentistry at 1LFUK. Altogether 37 (approximately 1/3rd) of graduates from the period 2010 – 2018 responded. 

Encouragingly, many of the suggested improvements from our Alumni are already taking place within our current education (for example more practical training) or are being implemented in the new curriculum. There were some interesting areas highlighted for further improvement, but overall, the results were reassuringly positive. 

A similar study is currently being undertaken for English Parallel General Medicine graduates, and all the results will be published online once it is complete. 

Eitan Brizman, Department of Stomatology, 

Head of English Parallel Dentistry